When you receive a new booking request, we will notify you in several channels:
Property Address
Move In and Move Out Dates
Contract Type
Booking Reference (Quote this whenever talking to your Account Manager to help them to locate your booking easily)
Tenant Information
Tenant Name
Tenant Age
Occupation (Student / Professional)
Tenant Message
How the Tenant will pay
Financial Information
Rent Price
Whatsapp Message: You will receive a Whatsapp message from Spotahome for each new booking request you receive. It is important to check that your contact details are correct and that you have opted in for Whatsapp alerts to receive these notifications
Spotahome Landlord Panel:: Log in to your Spotahome account and navigate to your Bookings section of the dashboard. Under the Pending section you will see a list of all booking requests requiring you to Accept or Reject. When you click on the Booking Request you will see the information about the Booking Request:
Tenant Information
Tenant Message
Financial Information
Rent Price
Total Contract Value
Contract Details
Mobile App Notifications: If you have the Spotahome mobile app installed on your smartphone, ensure that push notifications are enabled. This way, you will receive alerts on your mobile device for any new booking requests.
From each channel, you will be able to either accept, reject or modify your new booking request.