Bills will vary according to each property listed and landlord's policy.
Sometimes, the bills will be included within the rent, other times the listing on the platform may indicate an approximate price (not included in the rental price), as it often depends on the tenants' consumption.
This information can be found in the Pricing section of each listing.
If you book a shared apartment, the bills will split between all tenants (unless the cost is already included in the rent).
The following options will be displayed for the bills:
Included - The cost of the bills are already included in the rent price.
Included with a limit - The cost of the bills are included in the rent price but with a limit. If you exceed this limit, you will be responsible for paying the additional amount separately. The limit can be set either on one single bill (e.g. Electricity), or to a group of bills (100€ limit on Gas and Electricity).
Not Included - The cost of the bills is not included in the rent price and must be paid separately. You will find information in the listing if the bills need to be paid to the landlord or directly to the provider when you pay the rental amount.
The cost of utilities varies by country and type of property (you will pay more if you rent a flat than if you rent a bedroom in a shared apartment).
If you are renting a shared apartment the bills will be equally divided by everyone living there as there is no mechanism to exactly calculate each person’s ratio of usage.
Some landlords will charge a fixed price for utility bills or include some of the bills within the rent. Any extra usage above the permitted threshold will then be paid by the tenant. Both cases will be indicated on the Pricing section of the listing.

Bear in mind that in these cases the cost of the bills is not negotiable.
Although the amount may vary depending on how many people are living in the property at any given time, the time of the year, and the type of property, bear in mind that the bills are entirely based on usage. We recommend you look up the price of electricity, water, gas and the Internet in the city you are moving to.
Do you still have questions? Use the Contact Form to reach out to our team who will be happy to help you with your query.
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